Studying abroad is not an easy decision to make. If you really don’t think it’s for you then don’t go, but don’t believe that. It’s only natural to be a bit fearful of change and facing new and challenging experiences.
Anyone who has even a remote desire to go abroad should decide to do it. If for some reason you can’t last the semester or year and you have to come home, what’s the worst that can happen? You lose one semester of school and graduate when you’re 23 instead of 22. In the scheme of life, that’s not that big a difference, and the chances of that happening are minimal.
One of the biggest fears of going abroad is losing good friends and be really far out of the loop when you return home. First and foremost, your being abroad shouldn’t change anything. You can still talk via Skype and phones and, if your friends are true friends, they will be excited for you to go and do something with your life, as well as be understanding when you come home.
There is still the possibility that you will feel out of the loop when you go back home, but you’ll catch up on the latest music trends, TV shows and fashion crazes pretty quickly. Besides, the stuff you pick up while abroad is probably more valuable anyway.
Need help convincing the parents? Do they think it’s just a way to waste time, spend money, and get out of studying abroad for a semester or year, or working for the summer? It’s important that they understand the benefits of studying abroad.
Tell them that while you’re going to have a good time and an active social life when you go abroad; you’re also going to have a unique educational experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Since you’re looking at this article, why don’t you share it with your parents? They will be amazed by the thousands of study abroad opportunities that are available to you, and will understand why you are so excited about the prospect of spending a summer, semester, or even a full year in another country. Consider reading or sharing this article with them too. It outlines the different questions and topics you should discuss with them as you research, apply and plan for study abroad.
Why Study Abroad: A Personal Decision
As cliché as it sounds, by studying abroad you will be more marketable to grad schools and employers because of the intangible life skills you will have picked up along the way. Think of it as gaining a sort of cultural capital. The fact that you’ve studied abroad will answer many people’s questions about the type of person you are even before they have to ask.
Perhaps one of the best ways to experience culture is to live it, which is exactly what you’ll be doing as a study abroad student. Aside from gaining an understanding for cultures other than your own, you will also gain intangible skills. Independence, time management, organization, social skills and self-confidence will all develop exponentially while you’re abroad.
There will be a moment while abroad when you’ll realize that you’ve made the right decision: Treasure that moment. That moment will come when all the stress from the first few weeks of getting acclimated is finally over, and it’s at that point that you will fully grasp what you’re doing, the magnitude of your decision to go abroad and your new found drive to take advantage of every opportunity that lies ahead of you.
Education Consultant
We at Edwise streamline and personalize the process for each student irrespective of the destination, institution, course or any level of study. Our team of experienced professionals will provide you individual attention and exceptional guidance throughout your process of application. We provide assistance related to course selections, admission, visa, bank-loan and scholarships. We also host University delegates for direct student interaction and all these services are provided free of cost. We have established since 1991 and have been maintaining strong networks with over 575 universities in 16 countries, hence giving us a unique insight into the finest educational establishments worldwide.
Start your education abroad with valuable information on everything you need to know about studying abroad from study permits, temporary resident visas and how much it costs, to finding a program.
Do visit your nearest Edwise branch & choose your university carefully under our expert guidance and ensure that you have all your paperwork in order. Once you apply, and the wait is over, you can really begin to look forward to not only studying in a beautiful and vibrant country, but also to a life experience quite like no other.
For complete details on,Contact Edwise on 1-800-200-3678 (Toll Free) / 08600911333.